

     Contact Details

     Peter Miles
     Northam, Western Australia
     QRZ Page: VK6YSF



       Social Media





Log of key activities and significant contacts from my residence in Northam, Western Australia under the call VK6YSF.


Radio Activity 19 December, 2019, 17:53WST 0953UTC

436.838 MHz
The beacon of LEO satellite CUTE-1 was monitored at 17:55 local time. The beacon was strong and stable with the unmistakable Doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Spectrum Lab as CUTE-1 passed over central Australia. Spectrum Lab indicated that the signal was above 20db above the noise floor.

CUTE-1 beacon is CW at 50wpm with a power of 100mW.

CUTE-1  pass details are-: Altitude = 712km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.44, Elevation = 10.1Deg,

Equipment: FT736R and Radio computer interface

Antenna: 435MHz 5 Petal Coverleaf Ant


CUTE-1 passed west of Australia as predicted with ny2o online satellite tracker. Altitude = 514.56km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.44, Elevation = 10.1Deg,


A strong signal showing Doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Spectrum Lab as CUTE-1 passed over central Australia. 17:53:00WST


The signal remained strong down to the horizon 0.0deg at 17:58:40 WST


Radio Activity 16 February, 2019 20:06WST (08:06 UTC)

145.800 MHz
The below SSTV images were recorded from the International Space Station (ISS) at 20:06 local time. The signal was strong and stable at approximately S9 as the ISS passed Western Australia. 

ISS pass details are-: Altitude = 410km, Velocity (km/s) = ?, Elevation = 50Deg, Range = 500km (min)



Video of Slow Scan Television (SSTV) images received from the International Space Station


Signal report: - S4 - 9+

Mode: FM SSTV / PD120

Equipment: FT736R  and Radio computer interface

Software application: MMSSTV and RX-SSTV

Antenna: 146MHz 1/4 ground plane


Radio Activity 25 March 2017, 



Radio Activity 12 February 2018 16:00WST (08:00UTC)


7.730 MHz (USB) + 1500Hz signal centre


Reception of various HF digital mode Radiograms from WRMI, Florida USA


Shortwave Radiogram experimentation with MFSK32 and with various Olivia modes. Olivia mode used 8 tones for this transmission, but with various bandwidths of 2000, 1000, and 500 Hz were trialed.
Visit for future trials.




Video of HF digital mode Radiograms from WRMI


SSN (Sun Spot Number): ?

Signal report: SNR -2 to +10db

Distance: 18260km

Mode: MFSK32 and with Olivia 8/2000, 8/1000 and 8/500 (USB)

Equipment: TS-930, Radio computer interface

Software application: Fldigi 4.3.6

Antenna: 15/40m Sloper with T-Match tuner.


Radio Activity 23 December 2017 19:55WST (23:55UTC)


7.5331 MHz (USB)


Australian Bureau of Meteorology broadcast of weather FAX for high seas for Australian coastal areas from VMW transmitter at Wiluna in Western Australia.




Video of weather FAX reception 


SSN (Sun Spot Number): ?

Signal report: 59

Mode: FAX (Australian Bureau of Meteorology broadcasts weather FAX) (USB)

Equipment: TS-930, Radio computer interface

Software application: Fldigi 3.21.72

Antenna: 15/40m Sloper with T-Match tuner.


Radio Activity 18 December 2017 19:30WST (23:30UTC)


14.090 MHz (USB) Olivia


Contact was achieved with Phil VK8VWA, Darwin, NT Australia. Great example of Olivia mode under very weak signal conditions.



Video of Olivia contact with VK8VWA 


SSN (Sun Spot Number): ?

Signal report: 41

Mode: Olivia 16/500 and 8/250  (USB)

Equipment: TS-930 at 10W, Radio computer interface

Software application: Fldigi 3.21.72

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Current Balun



Radio Activity 21 July, 2017 8:38WST (00:38UTC) 

145.800 MHz
The below SSTV image was recorded from the International Space Station (ISS) at 8:38 local time. The signal was strong and stable at approximately S8 as the ISS passed over central Australia. 

ISS pass details are-: Altitude = 410km, Velocity (km/s) = ?, Elevation = 20Deg, Range = 996km



Signal report: - S4 - 8

Mode: FM SSTV / PD120

Equipment: Alinco DR-119-RH and Radio computer interface

Software application: RX-SSTV

Antenna: 146MHz 1/4 ground plane


Radio Activity 25 March 2017, 

7.07350MHz Olivia

Contact was achieved with Dale KB3FEI, New Castle, DE USA

I work Dale KB3FEI Saturday evening / Saturday morning 11:30 to 12:15 UTC with Olivia 16/500. This contact was one of the most satisfying contact I have had for several reasons. First and foremost I got to work Dale for the first time and I was very appreciative of Dale's commitment to the experiment and getting up at 6:30 in the morning. Secondly this was my first real Olivia contact and second ever Olivia contact; proving to my satisfaction that the mode is as good as has been suggested. From my end in Western Australia the band was very noisy with several Asian station breaking into the channel and at no time was Dale's signal visible in the waterfall with Olivia indicating that the Dale's signal was S/N -10dB; this appears a very robust mode.
Thirdly; this was not an accidental contact, I had arranged with Dale several days ago on to attempt this contact using Olivia and I then did some analysis of the path between Western Australia and the east coast of the United States using WISP. I did this on 20, 30 and 40m for 24 hour periods and down loaded all the pings from US stations in the area from the WSPRnet database and scatter graphed the data with MS Excel. See below. With this information I scheduled with Dale a contact for 12:00 +/- UTC on 40m. The rest is as they say is history, the band opened and closed almost precisely as predicted and this for me is a very exciting outcome and a technique I will develop further.
Lastly; the drama of the contact. I had emailed Dale that I was in the shack early than expected and was calling CQ, Dale responded with no print and this went on for near half an hour. I was close to thanking Dale for the attempt and call it a night when I saw data fragments in the print and noticed KB3FEI, had I got only this I would have been happy, however then it broke into a full QSO, again almost as the WSPR data had predicted.

Dale - KB3FEI was running 70 watts to a ground mounted vertical antenna.


Video of the contact with Dale KB3FEI Delaware USA.,


24 hour WSPR data scatter graphed to establish the best contact time.

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 26

Signal report: -10dB SNR

My signal was reported: Similar

Mode: Olivia 16/500  (USB)

Equipment: TS-930 at 10W, Radio computer interface

Software application: Fldigi 3.21.72

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Current Balun


Radio Activity 9 - 12 March 2017, 

474.2 kHz WSPR
WSPR signals were detected over two 24 hour monitoring periods from VK3ELV VK5FG and VK4YB between 9 - 12 March 2017


Grid Square






VIC, AUSTRALIA, Range 2751km. TX = 5W (37dBm)



SA, AUSTRALIA. TX = 2.0W (30dBm)




QLD, AUSTRALIA, Range 3523km. TX = 5W (37dBm)

Probing radio frequency propagation conditions on the 630 Metre Band with WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter), WSPRnet (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network ) and a PA0RDT designed active antenna.
The PA0RDT compact active wide-band receiving antenna for lower frequency bands from 10 kHz to approximately 10+MHz.

Video. Summary of monitoring activity on the 630 Metre Band with WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter), WSPRnet (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network ) and a PA0RDT designed active antenna from 9 - 15 March 2017

Also see WSPR monitoring data from 9 March 2017 UTC: WSPR_630m 20170309 

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 29

Equipment: TS-930 at 5W, Radio computer interface

Antenna: Active Antenna V-1


Radio Activity 9 June, 2016, 19:12WST 2312UTC

437.465 MHz
The beacon of LEO satellite CubeSat XI-IV (CO-58) was monitored at 19:12 local time. The beacon was strong and stable with the unmistakable Doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Spectrum Lab as CubeSat XI-IV passed over west of Australia. Spectrum Lab indicated that the signal was above 20db above the noise floor despite not moving the S meter.

CubeSat XI-IV (CO-58) beacon is CW at 50wpm with a power of  80mW with a Half wave dipole

CubeSat XI-IV (CO-58) pass details are-: Altitude = 824.99km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.44, Elevation = 42.4Deg,

Equipment: FT736R and Radio computer interface

Antenna: 435MHz 1/4 ground plane.


CubeSat XI-IV passed west of Australia as predicted with ny2o online satellite tracker. Altitude = 824.99km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.44, Elevation = 42.4Deg,



A strong signal showing Doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Spectrum Lab as CubeSat XI-IV passed west of Australia. Note that there seems to be some instability in the beacon when it starts it's cycle.


Radio Activity 4 April, 2015, 20:15WST 0015UTC


1.843 MHz
Contact was achieved with Luke VK3HJ,
QF22IT, Benloch, Victoria


Luke was operating a capacitive hat vertical antenna at 100W


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 29

Signal report: 5/8-9 Noise floor S6-7

My signal was reported: 5/6 

Distance: 2600km approximately

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Current Balun


Radio Activity 18 April 2014, 14:15WST 0515UTC

14:15 local standard time two way contact was achieved with the station shown in the below table. VK6YSF was operating portable at the Bobakine Nature Reserve 10km west of Northam, Western Australia.








Deep QSB, Range 5300km.




No QSB, Range 2670km.

A number of stations had been worked earlier via the VK3RHF repeater at Mt Olinda near Melbourne, Victoria. The first trial of the Portable Tactical HF antenna presented a relatively high SWR at 29MHz and therefore I kept over's brief and cut short operations. The site appears ideal for radio portable operations being a very high hill well above the surrounding terrain and with steep drops to the East and West of the ridge.

Video. Portable set up in the Bobakine Nature Reserve. Note the 'S' meter almost fully pegged at approximately +20 for Frank VK3ZO's signal.

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Preston, Victoria, New Zealand and Northam, Western Australia. 


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 263

Signal report: 5/9+

Mode: FM  

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 60W FM

Antenna: Portable Tactical HF Antenna and 1 - 9 Unun


Radio Activity 21 March 2014, 11:15WST 0315UTC

29.625 MHz
11:15 local standard time two way contact was achieved with the station shown in the below table. All stations exhibited solid signals. Contact was originally established with ZL2BQ on the VK3RHF 10m repeater located in Melbourne Australia, however we soon moved to a simples channel when the signals were notes as being as strong on simplex as via the repeater.








Deep QSB, Range 5300km.




Deep QSB, Range 2600km.

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Geelong, Victoria, New Zealand and Northam, Western Australia. 


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 137

Signal report: 5/9+

Mode: FM

Radio: Kenwood TS-50 running 100W FM

Antenna: 10m sloper


Radio Activity 13 February, 2014 17:13WST (09:13UTC)

145.860 MHz
The beacon of VUSat OSCAR-52 was monitored at 17:13 +/-10min local time. The beacon was strong and stable with the unmistakable Doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Spectrum Lab as VUSat OSCAR-52 passed over central Australia. Spectrum Lab indicated that the signal was approximately 10db above the noise floor despite hardly moving the S meter.

VUSat OSCAR-52 pass details are-: Altitude = 635.428km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.534, Elevation = 7.1Deg, Range = 2 247.76km

Equipment: FT736R and Radio computer interface

Antenna: 146MHz 1/4 ground plane.


VUSat OSCAR-52 passing over central Australia as predicted with Orbitron. Altitude = 635.428km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.534, Elevation = 7.1Deg, Range = 2 247.76km to Northam Western Australia.

VUSat OSCAR-52 passing over central Australia as predicted with Orbitron. Altitude = 635.428km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.534, Elevation = 7.1Deg, Range = 2 247.76km to Northam Western Australia.


Signal showing doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Sectrum Lab as VUSat OSCAR-52 passed over central Australia.

Signal showing doppler shift of the beacon signal displayed with Spectrum Lab as VUSat OSCAR-52 passed over central Australia.


Radio Activity 08 December, 2013, 22:15WST (14:15UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Craig, VK0JJJ, Mawson Station, Antarctica. Mac Robertson Land. Location: 67°36' S 62°52' 

Grid square - MC12kj



Amateur radio station VK0JJJ at Mawson Station consists of a Flex 5000A (SDR) transceiver, Emtron DX-2SP linear amplifier, MFJ - 986 Tuner, Heil PR-781 desk microphone & Heil Pro Set Elite headset and a Terminated sloping triangle antenna.


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 20m band should be open between Mawson Station,



Ham CAP path predictor 20m SSN=105 08-12-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 105

Signal report: 5/6

My signal was reported: 5/6

Mode: SSB (J3E) 

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 03 December, 2013, 20:49WST (12:40UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Rob, VK3EY, Shepparton, Victoria Aust


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 15m band should be open between Shepparton, Victoria Aust and Northam Western Australia


Ham CAP path predictor 15m SSN=124 03-12-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 124

Signal report: 5/9+

My signal was reported: 5/9

Mode: SSB (J3E) 

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 29 October, 2013, 23:20WST (14:20UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Alex, UT4ZX, Nikolaev , Ukraine


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 12m band should be open between Nikolaev , Ukraine and Northam Western Australia. The contact was achieved using computer generated CW and CW decoding with FLDigi.


Ham CAP path predictor 12m SSN=171 29-10-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 171

Signal report: 5/3

My signal was reported: 5/7

Mode: CW (A2A)  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W, Radio computer interface.

Software application: FLDigi

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 29 October, 2013, 23:10WST (14:10UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Ahmet, TA3AX, Turkey. 


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 12m band should be open between Turkey and Northam Western Australia


Ham CAP path predictor 12m SSN=171 29-10-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 171

Signal report: 5/5

My signal was reported: 4/1

Mode: SSB (J3E)    

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W,

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 23 October, 2013, 17:30WST (0900UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Jouji, JK1THF, Mitaka-City, Tokyo , Japan


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 12m band should be open between Tokyo , Japan and Northam Western Australia


Ham CAP path predictor 12m SSN=225 23-10-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 225

Signal report: 5/9

My signal was reported: 5/9

Mode: SSB (J3E)    

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W,

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun



Radio Activity 22 October, 2013, 21:40WST (14:00UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Alex, RW4LMR Russia. 


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 10m band should be open between Russia and Northam Western Australia.

Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=146 22-10-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 146

Signal report: 5/5

My signal was reported: 5/9

Mode: BPSK31 (A2B)  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W, Radio computer interface.

Software application: DigiPan

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun



Radio Activity 19 October, 2013, 20:55WST (13:00UTC)



Two way contact was achieved with Afif, YB0NFL, Jakarta , Indonesia


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the 10m band should be open between Jakarta, Indonesia and Northam Western Australia


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=149 19-10-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 149

Signal report: 5/5

My signal was reported: 5/5

Mode: SSB (J3E)  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W,

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 16 October, 2013, 18:10WST (10:10UTC)


7.143 MHz

Two way contact was achieved with William, K5UY, Algoa Texas, USA. 

Ham CAP path predictor did not indicated that the 40m band should be open between Texas, USA and Northam Western Australia, however there it was.


Ham CAP path predictor 40m SSN=148 16-10-2013

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 148

M Class solar flare was active during this period.

Signal report: 5/9+

My signal was reported: 4/8

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 19 September, 2013, 21:20WST


3.590 MHz

21:20 local standard time two way contact was achieved with the station shown in the below table. All stations exhibited solid signals despite the presents of strong lightning activity. Typical distance was about 3400km









Popped in to report on the two below stations strong signal into WA




Solid signal no QSB




Solid signal no QSB


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that while east coast contact on 80m was achievable.


Ham CAP path predictor 80m SSN=59 19-09-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 59

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 19 September, 2013, 18:30WST


7.114 MHz

18:30 local standard time two way contact was achieved with the station shown in the below table. All stations exhibited solid signals with VK2ASC competing with the S7 ~ 9 noise floor. Typical distance was about 3400km with ZL2BTQ at approximately 5300km.







R F Elwood


Noise floor was around S7 ~ 9 




Mobile near the Blue Mountains NSW, Australia




Very strong signal into WA


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that while east coast contact on 40m was achievable.


Ham CAP path predictor 40m SSN=59 19-09-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 59

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 4 September, 2013, 12:40WST


21.240 MHz

Contact was achieved with Willem, ZL3CHE, Fernside, New Zealand.  

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Fernside, New Zealand and Northam, Western Australia however the band appeared dead despite Ham CAP indicating that a number of of highly populated regions should have been active. It was only after calling CQ that Willem, ZL3CHE responded; perhaps everyone was listening and no one calling!


Ham CAP path predictor 15m SSN=77 5-09-2013

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 77

Signal report: 4/3

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 15 August, 2013, 19:30WST

3.60 MHz
19:30 local standard time two way contact was achieved with the station shown in the below table. All stations exhibited solid signals. Typical distance was about 3400km with ZL4RMF at approximately 5300km.









Portable in VK2 with a full length dipole. Very solid signal




Good solid signal




Peter signal was down level with the noise floor, however still an easy copy.




Good signal




Potable ZL1 with a vertical and surrounded by water. 




Called in for a radio check. 

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that while east coast contact on 80m was achievable the ZL1 path should have been at best very marginal. 


Ham CAP path predictor 80m SSN=105 15-08-2013

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 105

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 7 April, 2013, 18:20WST

7.162 MHz
18:20 local standard time two way contact was achieved with Jeanne KC2IOV maritime mobile south west of Tasmania on 7.162MHz. Jeanne is making a solo around the world attempt and reported that a cold front moving in with winds picked up.

Jeanne Socrates’ single-handed circumnavigations of the world:

Around the world blog: my livejournal blog

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Tasmania and Northam, Western Australia. 


Ham CAP path predictor 40m SSN=85 7-042013

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 85

Signal report: 5/7

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 6 April, 2013, 15:20WST

29.640 MHz
15:20 local standard time two way contact was achieved with Mark VK3UA Keilor East, Victoria Australia on 29.640MHz (10m band) via the VK3RHF repeater. Mark was accessing the repeater via the 6m band link, This represents for me the first 10m band repeater contact and first interstate 10m FM contact.
Report from VK3UA was that the signal received was readable quality 5 strength 5 with reasonable stability. The band was solidly open for most of the morning and afternoon.

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Melbourne, Victoria and Northam, Western Australia. 


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=76 6-04-2013

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 76

Signal report: 5/9+

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W FM

Antenna: 10m sloper


Radio Activity 20 January, 2013, 21:15WST


14.195 MHz

Contact was achieved with Jim, WB2REM, Florida USA. Beaming over the South Pole with 1.2kW.


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Florida USA and Northam, Western Australia. The signal report for me was 5/5.


Ham CAP path predictor 20m SSN=31 20-01-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 31

Signal report: 5/7

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 4 January, 2013, 00:40WST


14.167 MHz

Contact was achieved with Lourens, Z2/ZS6AKB, running 75Watts Mobile West Sudan.


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between West Sudan and Northam, Western Australia.


Ham CAP path predictor 20m SSN=98 4-01-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 98

Signal report: 5/8

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 3 January, 2013, 22:45WST


18.152 MHz

Contact was achieved with Melo, IT9AUG, Ragusa, Italy


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Ragusa, and Northam, Western Australia.


Ham CAP path predictor 17m SSN=85 3-01-2013


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 85

Signal report: 5/7

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 18 December, 2012, 21:30WST


10.14 MHz

Contact was achieved with YURI, R6AV, Timashevsk, Russia


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Timashevsk, Russia and Northam, Western Australia.


Ham CAP path predictor 30m SSN=43 18-12-2012


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 43

Signal report: 5/5

Mode: PSK31  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 05 October, 2012 16:50WST


28.471 MHz

Contact was achieved with Voy, SP7HKK, Belchatow, Poland


Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path should have been weaker than observer between Belchatow, Poland and Northam, Western Australia.


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=42 5-10-2012


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 42

Signal report: 5/5

Mode: SSB (J3E   

Equipment: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W

Antenna: 10m sloper


Radio Activity 03 October, 2012 19:18WST

145.860 MHz
The beacon of VUSat OSCAR-52 was monitored at 19:18 +/-10min local time. The beacon was very strong and stable decoding easily with GetCW application. The unmistakable Doppler shift of the beacon displayed with Spectrum Lab as VUSat OSCAR-52 passed over Western Australia. Spectrum Lab indicated that the signal was 15+db above the noise floor despite hardly moving the S meter.

VUSat OSCAR-52 pass details are-: Altitude = 624.986km, Velocity (km/s) = 7.548, Elevation = 30.6Deg, Range = 1102.919km

Equipment: FT736R 

Antenna: 146MHz 5/8 ground plane.


Doppler shift of the beacon displayed with Sectrum Lab as VUSat OSCAR-52 passed over Perth


Radio Activity 18 December, 2011, 20:15WST

28.120 MHz
Contact was achieved with Tjakko PA1TM, Zaamstad, Netherlands. Running a IC746 at 50Watts into a dipole

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Zaamstad, Netherlands. and Northam, Western Australia. My signal was reported as 5/5


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=67 18-12-2011

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 67

Signal report: 5/5

Mode: PSK31  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 11 November, 2011, 21:40WST

21.292 MHz
Contact was achieved with Touko OH6RM, Helsinki, Finland.

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Helsinki, Finland and Northam, Western Australia.


Ham CAP path predictor 15m SSN=113 11-11-2011


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 113

Signal report: 5/5

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with T-Match tuner and 4-1 Balun


Radio Activity 29 October, 2011, 21:15WST

24.955 MHz
Contact was achieved with John EA3AKP, Spain. John was running 1KW into a 4 element quad antenna  

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Spain and Northam, Western Australia. 


Ham CAP path predictor 12m SSN=66 29-10-2011

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 66

Signal report: 5/9

Mode: SSB (J3E

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W SSB

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 


Radio Activity 23 October, 2011, 20:15WST

28.468 MHz
Contact was achieved with Dave G0FWX, Essex, England.

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Essex, England and Northam, Western Australia.  My signal was reported as 5/7


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=94 23-10-2011

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 94

Signal report: 5/5

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W SSB

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 


Radio Activity 1 May, 2011, 15:30WST

28.460 MHz
Contact was achieved with Volkoe ZS3Y, South Africa

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between South Africa and Northam, Western Australia. My signal was reported as 5/2


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=50 01-05-2011


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 50

Signal report: 5/2

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W SSB

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 


Radio Activity 28 April, 2011, 15:15WST

24.95 MHz
Contact was achieved with Steffen DL5DXS, Loebau, Germany. The signal faded out quickly

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Loebau , Germany and Northam, Western Australia. 


Ham CAP path predictor 12m SSN=44 28-04-2011

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 44

Signal report: 5/6

Mode: SSB (J3E

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W SSB

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 


Radio Activity 25 April, 2011, 16:00WST

28.41 MHz
16:00 local standard time two way contact was achieved with Mark VK3PI Bundoora, Victoria Australia on 28.41MHz (10m band) SSB. 

Contact had been previously achieved at 12:05WST at lower strength of 5/5 with QSB. An initial contact was achieved at 10:00WST with a very low signal strength recorded at 5/1 also with QSB.

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between Melbourne, Victoria and Northam, Western Australia. 


Ham CAP path predictor 10m SSN=80 25-04-2011

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 80

Signal report: 5/9

Radio: Kenwood TS-430 running 100W SSB

Mode: SSB (J3E)

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 


Radio Activity 21 April, 2011, 22:25WST

7.14 MHz
Contact was achieved with Alan N6LVY, California USA and Mark AF6TC, California USA

Ham CAP path predictor indicated that the path was as observer between California USA and Northam, Western Australia. 


Ham CAP path predictor 40m SSN=162 21-04-2012

SSN (Sun Spot Number): 162

Signal report: 5/9

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 


Radio Activity 15 April, 2011, 21:35WST


1.870 MHz
Contact was achieved with Dave VK6NB,
Albany, Western Australia. Fantastic audio from Dave's TS520


SSN (Sun Spot Number): 91

Signal report: 5/9+20 Noise floor S5-6

Distance: 400km approximately

Mode: SSB (J3E  

Equipment: TS-930 at 100W

Antenna: Multi-band dipole with Z-Match tuner 




See log of key activities and significant contacts from my residence in Watsonia, Victoria Australia under the call VK3YSF from 1979 - 2007.  ACTIVITIES LOG-VK3YSF




Page last revised 25 September, 2024



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Amateur Radio Station VK6YSF - Promoting amateur radio communication and experimentation.