

     Contact Details

     Peter Miles
     Northam, Western Australia
     QRZ Page: VK6YSF



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Wire splicing for terminating an antenna aerial wire or guy wire to a strain insulator or thimble.



Technique for terminating an antenna aerial wire or guy wire to a strain insulator or thimble.. The technique while more laborious than swage crimps and similar methods is mechanically superior as there are no points of fatigue failure. This technique is most suited to heavier antenna wire of 4mm2, 7 strand or greater.


Photo#1. Feed antenna wire through the strain insulator with about 400mm tail length to rap strains.


Photo#2. Form the wire so that the main antenna wire lays against the tail.


Photo#3. Un-rap a one strand from the tail.


Photo#4. Tightly binding the antenna wire and tail wire together with at least 6 turns.


Photo#5. Un-rap the next strand from the tail and tightly rap the next strand with at least 6 turns and repeat through the remaining strands.


Photo#6. Trim the excess from the strand rap.


Photo#7. Ensure that no sharp strand ends protrude from the completed splicing rap.




Page last revised 13 November, 2024



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VK6YSF Experimenting with JS8Call on the 6m Band

I am currently monitoring 50.318 MHz +1400 Hz in JS8 mode, with random transmissions between approximately 0100 UTC and 0700 UTC.

You can view JS8Call band activity on HamSpots: or my profile on 

X: .

Feel free to contact me to discuss or arrange a schedule for a contact.


VK6MJM LF (136 kHz) and MF (474 kHz) Beacon

VK6MJM is a  LF/MF station located in Manjimup, Western Australia.

Mode: Mode: FST4W 300 (Similar to WSPR)

Station details were presented by Peter Hall (VK6HP) at PerthTech 2024.Presentation PDF: Peter Hall VK6HP at PerthTech

QRZ Page: VK6MJM on




























All content may be used for unlimited distribution with full credits.

Amateur Radio Station VK6YSF - Promoting amateur radio communication and experimentation.