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     Peter Miles
     Northam, Western Australia
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Kenwood TS-50 Lithium memory battery replacement  13 August 2022


Symptom: Channel and frequency memory loss when disconnected and reconnected with 12VDC supply.  


When the radio is reconnected to the 12VDC supply, it resets to 14.0MHz, indicating that the memory battery has died.


Replacing the radio's lithium memory battery with the original type is difficult to source and expensive. Therefore, a less expensive and more readily available CR2430 lithium battery was chosen. The CR2430 battery required some modification to the tag, and a short copper wire was soldered to the negative side as there was no suitable tag on this side. Please refer to the photo below.

The Velcro attachment tab was recovered from the original battery and used on the new battery to prevent movement.


Once the battery is connected the radio must be powered off then on to ensure the life of the battery per Kenwood Service Bulletin ASM-1015


Radio was powered up and worked perfectly.


Video of the Kenwood TS-50 lithium memory battery replacement.



Page last revised 12 September, 2024



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Amateur Radio Station VK6YSF - Promoting amateur radio communication and experimentation.