

     Contact Details

     Peter Miles
     Northam, Western Australia
     QRZ Page: VK6YSF





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New 12VDC distribution panel - May 2024


Over the years the VK6RAV repeater has had many ad hoc additions and modification that had left the equipment installations looking quiet confusing and lacking any standard. Central to this chaos was the 12VDC distribution panel that lack consistency and including non-adherence to basic wiring colour code.

The new 12VDC distribution panel was constructed around some basic principles that include;

  • That as much as possible all wiring would be behind the panel including leads connecting equipment to the panel. 

  • All equipment circuit would have an individual protection fuse and that the fuses would be restricted to two current ratings, 5A for minor equipment and 20A for higher load equipment such as the repeater.

  • Positive wires may be any obvious colour other than BLACK or GREEN. RED is preferred.

  • Negative wires are to be BLACK or sleeved with BLACK heat shrink tube or similar.

  • Fuses are Standard Blade Fuses (ATC/ATO)

  • 12VDC supplies are made available for lighting, mains voltage inverter and other 12v type equipment via a 50A Anderson connector and 30A mini Anderson connectors.


Fig 1. DC Panel wiring. 


Photo 1. New 12VDC distribution panel installed.


Photo 2. New 12VDC distribution panel installed.


Photo 3. New 12VDC distribution panel under construction.


Photo 4. Old 12VDC distribution panel 

See: DC Panel wiring detail.pdf




Page initiated 14 May, 2024

Page last revised 10 December, 2024



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   Notice Board

VK6YSF JS8Call and Olivia 8/250 operations.

Current activity is generally, however not restricted to operations with JS8Call and Olivia 8/250 on the 20m and 40m band.

Proposed band and mode activity is often communicated on HamSpots: or my profile on 

X: .

Feel free to contact me to discuss or arrange a schedule for a contact.


VK6MJM LF (136 kHz) and MF (474 kHz) Beacon

VK6MJM is a  LF/MF station located in Manjimup, Western Australia.

Mode: Mode: FST4W 300 (Similar to WSPR)

Station details were presented by Peter Hall (VK6HP) at PerthTech 2024.Presentation PDF: Peter Hall VK6HP at PerthTech

QRZ Page: VK6MJM on




























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Amateur Radio Station VK6YSF - Promoting amateur radio communication and experimentation.