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     Peter Miles
     Northam, Western Australia
     QRZ Page: VK6YSF





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TAIT T2000ii radio programming and adjustments. December 2019


The T-2000/II is a series of mobile VHF and UHF radios developed by Tait Communications in Christchurch, New Zealand, in the late 1990s.
The Tait 2000II series is fantastic for conversion to Amateur Radio bands as it requires only a few adjustments, and the programming software is very straightforward. The radio's identification labels indicate that the radio I have for conversion has 4 channels, a frequency range of 136MHz to 174MHz, and is set for a narrow FM deviation of 2.5kHz. Additionally, the radio does not include any microphones or 12-volt power cables.


Tait T2000 Series Model variant Recognition


T 2 0











AA = Model Variant:

B = Frequency Span:

C = Deviation: 

D = Frequency Stability 

E = Country

FG = Factory Options

10 = Conventional 4 Channel  

 3 = 136-174 MHz  

 2 = Narrow Band (2.5 kHz) (12.5 kHz channel space)  

 1 = 5ppm (-10-60°C)  

 F = UK (EMC standard)  

 OO = ?  


The 12V connector used in the Tait 2000 series radios is not a commonly found type. However, pre-assembled leads for these radios are available at low cost on eBay. It is important to note that these leads generally do not come with inline fuses.

To disable the internal speaker and exclusively use an external speaker, you can cut the internal speaker link wire. This will effectively disable the internal speaker. Please refer to the instructions and diagram below for further guidance.


The programming cable is connected to the microphone RJ12 socket. It comprises a 6-pin RJ12 connector on one end and a DB9 serial/comms port connector on the other end, which connects to the computer. In this particular instance, the cable was made from an old phone cable that was terminated with a 9-pin serial port connector, as shown in Figure 2 below.


The Tait TN-1228-SR CPA v3.00 programming application, despite its age, is capable of running on a Windows 7 (64-bit) machine and is compatible with T2010ii, T2015ii, and T2020ii radios.

To connect the radio to the computer, ensure that the radio is powered up and use the programming cable. Connect the cable's 9-pin connector to the computer's serial port, and then connect the RJ-12 telephone-style plug to the radio's microphone socket.


Reading a Radio

  •          Make sure the radio is connected to a power source and the power is on.

  •          Switch the radio on.

  •          Select the Radio > Read menu option, or select the Read button from the toolbar.

When the programming database is read from the radio, the application will indicate the radio model, Band and radio serial number.


Sub-audible Signalling Form

The Sub-audible Signalling form is divided into two tabs. For T2010/T2015 radios, only Signalling is available.  

Settings for CTCSS and DCS transmissions are determined in the Signalling tab. CTCSS and DCS for individual channels are set in the CTCSS/DCS Rx/ Tx fields (Channels form).


Rx CTCSS/DCS Filter Enabled For

The Rx CTCSS/DCS Filter Enabled For field determines the settings for the radio’s CTCSS/DCS filter. The filter can be automatically switched off for channels that do not have CTCSS or DCS.

  • All: The filter is active on all channels, regardless of whether they are programmed with CTCSS or DCS.

  • CTCSS/DCS: The filter is active only on channels that have CTCSS or DCS programmed for the receive frequency.



Tx DCS Polarity

The Tx DCS Polarity field sets the polarity of all transmitted DCS codes defined in the Tx Sig field (Channels form). Some systems require the DCS code to be inverted when transmitted. Select Normal or Inverted.

Set to: Normal


Rx DCS Polarity

The Rx DCS Polarity field sets the polarity of all received DCS codes defined in the Rx Sig field (Channels form). Select Normal or Inverted.

Set to: Normal


Tx CTCSS ReverseTone Burst

When the Tx CTCSS Reverse Tone Burst field is checked, a reverse tone burst on the end of a CTCSS transmission speeds up the shutdown of CTCSS decodes, providing your decoder is capable of detecting a reverse tone burst. When this field is unchecked, no reverse tone burst is transmitted.

Set to: Unchecked


Receiver Monitoring Form

The fields in the Receiver Monitoring form set properties related to the operation of the radio’s monitor function.


Monitor Function Disables


The Monitor Function Disables field determines which mutes are to be disable by the monitor function.

  • None (T2010 only): When the monitor function becomes active, no mutes are disabled.

  • All Mutes: Both the selective call mute and the sub-audible signalling mute (CTCSS and DCS) are overridden when monitor is activated. The radio user is able to hear all traffic.

  • Selcall Mute: Only the Selcall mute is overridden when monitor is activated. The radio user only hears traffic that has sub-audible signalling.

Set to: All Mutes


Auto Quiet Time

The Auto Quiet Time field sets the duration of the auto quiet timer. When the programmed duration of the auto quiet timer expires, monitor deactivates and the radio resumes normal operation. Enter a value between 1 and 250 seconds (T2010 and T2015 radios) or 255 seconds (T2020 radios) in steps of 1 second, or 0 to disable the auto quiet timer.

Set to: 0


Monitor State at Power Up

T2020 radios only. The Monitor State at Power Up field determines whether monitor is inactive or active when the radio is turned on.

Not available for the T2010


Automatic Monitor with Call Setup

T2020 radios only. The Automatic Monitor with Call Setup field determines whether monitor is activated when an outgoing Selcall call is made. For this field to be available, Selcall hardware must be installed in the radio.

  • Checked: Monitor is activated when a Selcall call is successfully sent.

  • Unchecked: The radio can transmit Selcall calls without activating monitor. Monitor must be activated via another method before communication commences.


[MON] Key Short Press

The [MON] Key Short Press field sets the behaviour of the radio when the monitor key is given a short press.

When the [MON] Key Short Press field is checked, a short press of the monitor key toggles monitor on and off. If unchecked, a short press of the monitor key only disables monitor.

Set to: Checked


[MON] Key Long Press

The [MON] Key Long Press field sets the behaviour of the radio when the monitor key is given a long press.

When the [MON] Key Long Press field is checked, a long press of the monitor key activates the squelch override function. This can be useful where there is activity in marginal areas and the signal is too weak to be reliably heard.

If squelch override is already active when the monitor key is pressed, then squelch override is deactivated and monitor is activated.

Set to: Checked


Cancel Call Indicators on Request

T2020 radios only. When the Cancel Call Indicators on Request field is checked, the ringing tone and the call indicator light will be cancelled if a radio monitor reset is received.

This option is only available if Selcall is fitted.

Not available for the T2010


Open Monitor on PTT Press

T2020 radios only. When the Open Monitor on PTT Press field is checked, the audio monitor opens when the PTT key is pressed.

Not available for the T2010


Hook-switch Monitor

When the Hooks-witch Monitor field is checked, the monitor is activated when the hook-switch is open. Setting. Setting this option does not affect any other scanning functions of the hookswitch.

Set to: Checked


Transmitter Setup Form

Transmitter options are set in the Transmitter Setup form.

Transmit Timer Duration

The Transmit Timer Duration field sets the duration of the transmit timer, which determines the longest continuous transmission permitted by the radio. Enter a value between 1 and 250 seconds in steps of 1 second, or 0 to disable the transmit timer. The recommended value is 60 seconds.


Once the transmit timer expires, the radio may be prevented from transmitting for the duration of the transmit lockout timer, which is set in the Transmit Lockout Duration field.

Set to: 250


Transmit Lockout Duration

The Transmit Lockout Duration field sets the duration of the transmit lockout timer. Enter a value between 1 and 250 seconds in steps of 1 second, or 0 to disable the transmit lockout timer. The recommended value is 30 seconds.

Set to: 30


Tx Inhibit

The Tx Inhibit field sets the transmit inhibit conditions (None, Busy or Mute).

  • None: The radio transmits when the PTT is pressed, even when there is traffic on the channel.

  • Busy: The radio does not transmit when the PTT is pressed if there is activity on the channel, whether it is valid or invalid.

  • Mute: The radio does not transmit when the PTT is pressed if there is activity on the channel and the mute is active. This could be caused by an invalid CTCSS/DCS code or an active Selcall mute. If monitor has been activated, the radio transmits regardless of valid or invalid activity.

A Selcall call initiation (via the press of the auxiliary key, call key or a function key) follows the conditions set in Tx Inhibit.

Set to: None



Repeater Talk Around

T2020 radios only. When the Repeater Talk Around field is checked, a long press of the channel key activates repeater talkaround. Repeater talkaround allows the radio user to bypass repeater operation and so communicate directly with other radios. While repeater talkaround is active, all transmissions are made on the receive frequency programmed for the channel.

Not available for the T2010



Fast PTT via AUX Line

T2010/T2015 radios only. When the Fast PTT via AUX Line field is checked, and the PTT is wired to the AUX line on the options connector, the AUX output line is used as the

PTT input line. This results in more frequent polling, and faster PTT for data applications.

Set to: Unchecked




Setting Up Channels and Scan Groups

This section contains detailed information on setting up channels and scan groups.

Channels Form

The main settings for channels are set up in the Channels form. The Channels form for T2010/T2015 radios is shown below.

The channel can be cut and pasted to and from Micro Soft Excel spreadsheet and the channel form.

Click on the upper left cell in the channel form to copy or past all entries in the form.


The Channels form contains default values for one channel. Select the Add button to add a new channel, select the Delete button to delete the currently selected channel, or select the Repeat button to duplicate the current channels settings, except for the Channel ID and Channel Name fields.

There must be at least one channel in the list. The number of channels permitted depends on the radio model, as follows:

·         T2010: up to 24 channels

·         T2015: up to 24 channels

·         T2020: up to 100 channels

·         T2020 firmware version 7.01 or higher: up to 1200 channels.


Channel ID

The channel ID field sets the channel number, which cannot be shared by any other channel or scan group.

·         For T2010 radios, set up to 24 channel identities, between 1 and 24.

·         For T2015 radios, set up to 24 channel identities, between 1 and 24.

·         For T2020 radios, set up to 100 channel identities, between 1 and 255.

·         For T2020 radios (firmware version 7.01 or higher), set up to 1200 channel identities, between 1 and 4999.


Channel Name

T2020 radios only. The Channel Name field sets the name which is appears in the control head display on T2020 radios when the radio is in channel mode. The radio enters channel entry or channel select mode when the radio channel key is pressed.

Enter a name of up to 8 characters, chosen from A to Z 0 to 9 * + - < > / \ space.

A default name is generated from the channel identity. For example, the first channel defaults to CHAN1.


Rx and Tx Frequencies

The Rx Freq field sets the receive frequency (in MHz) for the channel, and the Tx Freq field sets the transmit frequency (in MHz). For each channel, enter a frequency within the radio’s frequency band that is a multiple of 5 kHz or 6.25kHz.

The minimum channel spacing is dependant on the radio band and IF bandwidth. The letter in the sixth position in the radio part number (first after the hyphen) indicates the radio’s frequency band, as outlined in the table below.


Band    Receive Frequency (MHz)     Transmit Frequency (MHz)

         500-530 MHz                          500-530 MHz

         220-270 MHz                          220-270 MHz

         66-88 MHz                              66-88 MHz

         136-174 MHz                          136-174 MHz

         175-225 MHz                          175-225 MHz

         400-470 MHz                          400-470 MHz

         450-520 MHz                          450-520 MHz

         330-366 MHz                          330-366 MHz

         800-870 MHz                          800-870 MHz

         360-400 MHz                          360-400 MHz



Rx and Tx Signalling

The Rx Sig field sets the sub-audible signalling the radio must receive before the activity is regarded as valid and the mute opened. The Tx Sig field sets the sub-audible signalling that accompanies each transmission made on the channel.

For both fields, select the required frequency from the drop-down list. Both fields must be either CTCSS (tones starting with C) or DCS (tones starting with D). Leave these fields set to None if no sub-audible signalling is used on the channel.


Tx Call

The Tx Call field provides a list of transmit Selcall sequence identities. These are identities that have been defined in the Tx Call Identity field (Selcall Sequences tab). Select the transmit call identity required from the drop-down list. To disable Selcall on the channel, select None.



The Repeater field provides a list of Selcall repeater sequence identities. These are identities that have been defined in the Repeater Identity field (Selcall Sequences tab). Select the repeater identity required from the drop-down list. To transmit no repeater sequence on the channel, select None.



The Power field sets the transmit power level. Select a power level setting of Off, Low High or Max (maximum - T2020 radios only), within the limits permitted for the region in which the radio operates.



T2020 radios only The Bandwidth field sets the transmitter deviation and the receiver audio sensitivity for systems using different channel spacing. Select either Narrow (narrowband) or Wide (wideband) for each channel.



T2010/T2015 radios only. Select Yes for the channel to be included in the scan operation. While scanning, the radio cycles through all the included channels until it detects valid activity. When activity is detected, the radio stops on that channel until the activity stops, then waits for the time set in the Scan Hold Time field before returning to scan mode.

If Enhanced Scanning (Specifications form) is checked for T2015 radios, then two additional options are available, Pri and Sec. Both options add the channel to the scan list, 'Pri' specifies that the channel is the primary priority scan channel and 'Sec' specifies that the channel is the secondary priority scan channel. Scan types in the Enhanced Scan Form will take precedence over these settings, unless the radio is switched on while the PTT is pressed.


BCD Channel Selection

T2010/T2015 radios only. When the BCD Channel Selection field is checked, it is possible to select the radio channel using the internal BCD channel select lines. In this case, the control head channel keys are disabled.


BCD Polarity Inverted

T2010/T2015 radios only. When the BCD Polarity field is checked, a high voltage input is considered to be a ’0’ and a low voltage input is considered to be a ’1’. Off Hook



T2010/T2015 radios only. When the Off Hook Scanning field is checked, scanning is possible when the

hookswitch is open. Scan Hold Time T2010/T2015 radios only.

The Scan Hold Time field determines how long the radio remains on a channel after valid activity finishes, before scanning is resumed. Enter a time between 0 and 15 seconds in steps of 1 second.





Disassembly Instructions

Caution: To carry out alignment it is necessary to remove only the top cover (1) and logic PCB retaining screws (3). It is essential that the bottom cover (13) and microprocessor shield (5) with its three retaining screws (4) are torqued down as specified in Figure 3.3.


Caution: Various electronic components within the radio can be damaged by electrostatic discharge. A properly grounded earth mat and wrist strap should always be used (refer to Section 3.1.4).





Cat No.





























































Gain Access to the Logic PCB

Refer to Figure 3.3.

Remove the top cover (1) by unscrewing the four bottom cover screws (14).

Remove the three logic PCB retaining screws (3).

It should now be possible to open out the logic PCB (2), giving access to both sides of the logic PCB, and access to the RF PCB (11) tuning points, audio, plug-in

TCXO PCB and loop filter components.


Remove the Bottom Cover and Microprocessor Shield

Refer to Figure 3.3.

Remove the top cover and logic PCB screws as instructed in Section 3.2.1, then remove the three-microprocessor shield retaining screws (4).

Remove the screw securing the earthing wire from the control head to the microprocessor shield.

It should now be possible to lift off the microprocessor shield (5) and the bottom cover (13).

This will give access to both sides of the RF PCB and IF PCBs and enable the control head to be removed.




6.4.1 Power Output


Set up the test equipment as shown in Section 4 and close the PTT switch.

Turn RV324 fully clockwise and check that the output power is greater than 30W for all channels.

Select a channel programmed for high power and adjust RV324 for 25W.

Check that the transmit current is approximately the values stated below:


Model Current

T2000-100                            6A


Video of the TAIT T2000ii radio programming and adjustments.


T2000 v3.01 programming application (22Mb): DOWN LOAD





Page initiated 20 December, 2019

Page last revised 10 December, 2024



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   Notice Board

VK6YSF JS8Call and Olivia 8/250 operations.

Current activity is generally, however not restricted to operations with JS8Call and Olivia 8/250 on the 20m and 40m band.

Proposed band and mode activity is often communicated on HamSpots: or my profile on 

X: .

Feel free to contact me to discuss or arrange a schedule for a contact.


VK6MJM LF (136 kHz) and MF (474 kHz) Beacon

VK6MJM is a  LF/MF station located in Manjimup, Western Australia.

Mode: Mode: FST4W 300 (Similar to WSPR)

Station details were presented by Peter Hall (VK6HP) at PerthTech 2024.Presentation PDF: Peter Hall VK6HP at PerthTech

QRZ Page: VK6MJM on




























All content may be used for unlimited distribution with full credits.

Amateur Radio Station VK6YSF - Promoting amateur radio communication and experimentation.